Get in Touch

Myanmar Country ISP provides internet services with I-License (Individual). We primarily offer Wireless Fixed and Fiber Internet Services in the Yangon and Mandalay regions.

Registered Office: Shwe Kabar Housing, Min Dhamma Road, Building No.(B-3), Room (402), Mayangone Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar

Yangon Address: 3rd Floor, Room - B 22, Building - 2 (Near KBZ Bank), MICT Park, Yangon.

Mandalay Address: 28th Street, Between 84th Street & 85th Street, Man-Myanmar 25th Condominium Tower A, Unit 4, Level (23), Chan Aye Tharzan Township, Mandalay.

Contact: +959 442 552 277

Peering Policy: Open/Selective

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